Etna3340 Blog

Welcome to Etna3340 blog, here you will find all news about Etna and Sicily, about events, excursions and places to visit in Sicily, enriched by all the useful information concerning the volcanic activity of Mount Etna. There are many things to do when you explore a new place. The hardest? Know where to start! Visiting Sicily and climbing to its tallest mountain like Mount Etna who's the biggest active volcano in Europe, is both a real challenge and an unforgettable experience. In order to help you plan correctly your journey in Sicily, we posts news and advices helping you getting ready for uniques adventures around Sicily's best places and activities.

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Vin sicilienne

Etna wine festival 2017 "Contrade Dell'Etna"

The event conceived and organized by Andrea Franchetti on its tenth edition, brings together all the Etna's wine producers, scheduled for next April 3, 2017. This event, which has become a must for journalists and fans, will be held at the Castello Romeo at Randazzo. 
Festival en Sicile

Medieval festivals Motta Sant'Anastasia

For a whole week (12 > 20.08), the town of Motta Sant'Anastasia (CT) is transformed to revive the atmosphere of the past. You will meet in the minstrels and the soldiers, to discover the charm of the street theater.
Etna running

Etna Running ASD

Etna3340 is pleased to be the sponsor of the Etna Running Sports Association. We want to bring together all the people who run and share the movement as passion and true way of life. 
Ambalavao, Madagascar

Etna3340 environmental endeavour

We have decided to start an environmental endeavour that goes well beyond what we do recurrently. Climate change is an existential challenge for humanity and we believe that everyone has the responsibility to reduce and offset their own carbon footprint.

The festival of Sant'Agata

The festival of Sant'Agata   Is considered as the most popular festivity in Catania, from 3th to 5th of February, three days of cult, devotion, folklore and tradition. In St. Agatha's honour almost a million people swarm in the streets.